June 14, 2021

Plan Your 2021 Team Building Activities

You don’t want your company’s employees to just think of each other as co-workers. You want them to be friends! People who genuinely like each other work better together; it makes them much more collaborative and cooperative, and reduces petty in-fighting. You can’t just assume they’ll get to know one another and like each other. It’s your job to do more. You can and should ensure it happens by planning team building activities for the company. Getting a break away from the desk is essential for productivity. The question is- what? There are some team building activities that your people will actually enjoy:

#1 Go for a round of glow golf.

It’s winter, which means no one wants to go outside. That doesn’t mean you are stuck behind a desk until spring arrives! Glow Vibe can deliver glow golf to your chosen location, whether it’s your offices, a gymnasium, or other activity center. We’ll set up the mini golf course with everything that is needed, like the putting greens, balls, clubs, flags, and hazards. All your team needs to do is show up and have a great time!

#2 Share campfire stories.

This one can be done around a real campfire or a fake one inside, whichever you prefer. Have your team gather in a circle and share their workplace experiences: the good, the funny, the sweet, and the “That’s a classic!” In this informal setting, your team will learn things about each other and relive old memories.

#3 Build a memory wall.

Designate a spot in your workspace, like in the break room, that serves as a physical memory wall. Photographs, receipts, programs, and other documents allow everyone to relive the team’s shared memories. Each Friday afternoon, gather at the memory wall for a few minutes explanation of the new items added that week.

#4 Create a company magazine.

Don’t just hand off this task to one person, though. Make sure everyone participates. There can be a section for photos of what happened that month, a special section where the boss is interviewed, shout-outs to team members who have done something exceptional, and FAQs with HR. You can probably think of a lot more to add to your company magazine. Is someone retiring? Are there new hires? This magazine, which is a collaboration of many team members, should share all the current company news.

Go ahead and get planning! Some of these take a few minutes, some a few hours, and others are better suited for an entire day or evening off of work to dedicate to the activity. You don’t need to choose just one. You can do several or all of these. You can even use these as a jumping-off point and come up with a great idea of your own!